
New cupboards for the arts classroom

Last year, the island school received hundreds of backpacks with school materials that were packed at an HPE Distribution Partner Conference. The teachers had decided that all arts supplies (water color set, brushes, crayons, marker) should be stored in the arts classroom to ensure long lasting availability for all students now and in the future. Therefore the association decided to fund the building of 3 cupboards that were locally produced based on a simple design. They now arrived on the island, to the joy of the students and teachers.


New solar panels, batteries and converters for the girls dormitories

End of October, new solar panels, batteries and converters arrived on the island purchased by our association to finally provide the girls dormitories (in total 3 buildings) with electricity and LED lights. The students cannot wait to be able to read at night or do their homework after sunset. The renovation is a combined effort from a support group from Belgium (roof, walls, and windows), the headmaster of the school (new beds) and our Uganda Island School Association (electricity). This great cooperation is planned to continue also for other buildings.


Paddling for Musana Ferry

Building a solar ferry for the children and patients of the Lake Bunyonyi Island Schools and hospital has been postponed to 2022 due to the pandemic.

The majority of the funds have already been collected. For the last push, a small team decided to paddle 100km in 3 days on Lake Konstanz with kayaks. Basically following the students and patients in Uganda that strenuously have to paddle to their island school or hospital in dugouts.

Last year, the two electric engines were cycled for, this year we want to paddle for solar panels.